Affirmative action law passed in Ghana - What next?


Affirmative Action law passed

  Rwanda, for instance, has become a global leader in women’s representation with a gender-balanced cabinet that is contributing to national development. In Sierra Leone, the passage of a law in 2023 mandating a 30% gender quota led to the election of women into public office.

Together, these domestic and external examples show that gender equality can be achieved if there is political will and a change of social mindsets.

Despite these improvements, it must be noted that women in some of these countries still face several gender based challenges.

Affirmative Action law passed

These different outcomes show that legislation is not a sufficient condition for gender equality. The necessary institutional arrangements, backed by fiscal support, must be put in place to ensure effectiveness of any legislative action.

What will it take to succeed?

The passage of the Affirmative Action (Gender Equality) Act signals a hopeful outlook on women’s rights and representation in Ghanaian public life. While it has taken over a decade to reach this milestone, there must be cautious optimism and sustained vigilance in ensuring that the law does not stay on the shelves. Women’s rights advocates and male gender equality allies must ensure that the eventual law becomes a reality in the daily life of the Ghanaian woman. Equitable gender representation in public life is a win for national development.

Affirmative Action law passed 

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